22 September 2020

Top FM Ltd v The Independent Broadcasting Authority 2020 SCJ 221

Sanjay appeared for Top FM, who sought leave to apply for judicial review challenging the IBA’s decision to suspend Top FM’s broadcasting licence for an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct for Broadcasting Services…

4 September 2020

Paul Foo Kune v The Mauritius Turf Club [2020] SCJ 194

Sanjay represented the Mauritius Turf Club in this application for new trial by the Applicant, on the ground that there had been an error by the Court as to the identity of the Applicant’s counsel. The Supreme Court refused to grant an order for a new trial in the case, as the application did not disclose any ‘live issue’. Sanjay was assisted by Deephallee Harnaran, of counsel.

5 May 2020

Top FM Ltd v The Independent Broadcasting Authority [2020] SCJ 77

Sanjay appeared as leading counsel for Top FM Ltd in this first ever case to be heard by video conferencing by the Supreme Court of Mauritius. This was during the COVID-19 lockdown…

22 June 2017

Boolell v Independent Commission Against Corruption & Ors [2017] SCJ 226

Sanjay was the leading led counsel for the Applicant, the Director of Public Prosecutions, in this judicial review application seeking to challenge the ICAC’s decision to call him for inquiry…

26 May 2017

Meetarbhan v Kowlessur & Ors [2017] SCJ 189

Sanjay appeared for the Applicant, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Legal Adviser, and former Executive Director, of the Competition Commission of Mauritius (CCM). She challenged the CCM’s decision, by way of judicial review, to suspend and charge her before a disciplinary committee…

6 November 2016

The Mauritius Turf Club v Parry & Ors [2016] SCJ 458

Sanjay successfully challenged, by way of judicial review, certain findings of a Commission of Enquiry, appointed by the President of the Republic, in September 2014, to enquire into horseracing in Mauritius…

19 July 2016

Adnath v Mauritius Post & Cooperative Bank Ltd [2016] SCJ 283

The Defendant Bank was represented by Sanjay, and later R. Chetty, SC. The issue was whether the Plaintiff, a bank employee, was entitled to damages before the Supreme Court…

16 May 2016

Shophold (Mauritius) Ltd v The Assessment Review Committee & Anor [2016] UKPC 12

In this appeal before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, Sanjay successfully reversed the Supreme Court’s decision that management services provided by Shophold to its sister company, Shoprite…


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23 Pope Hennessy Street
Port Louis
Republic of Mauritius